Poynton's homeCharles Poynton -
Publications and Presentations

Here you will find summaries of my publications and presentations.

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Poynton, Charles, Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003). 736 pages.

Poynton, Charles, A Technical Introduction to Digital Video. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996). 352 pages.

Book chapters

"Color in Digital Cinema," chapter 3 in Understanding Digital Cinema: A Professional Handbook, edited by Charles Swartz (Burlington, Mass.: Focal Press, 2004).

"The Current State of High Definition Television," chapter 2 in The New TV: A Comprehensive Survey of High Definition Television, edited by Lou CasaBianca (Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1994).

"High Definition Television and Desktop Computing," chapter 18 in Multimedia Systems, edited by John F. Koegel (New York: ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1994). Also published in Proceedings of International Technical Workshop on Multimedia Technologies in the HDTV Age, IEEE CES Tokyo Chapter, July 20, 1993.

Published Interviews

"NASA TV," in Canadian Electronics Engineer, May 1984.

Dale Cripps, "HDTV and the Computer Industry," in HDTV Newsletter, June/July 1989, p. 15-16.

Karen Frenkel, "HDTV and the Computer Industry," in Communications of the ACM, November 1989, p. 1301-1312.

"Why you should care about HDTV," EDN, December 14, 1989, p. S46-S48.

Lawrence Jerome, "HDTV: Television with More Resolution than a Hi-Res Monitor," in Sun Observer, January 1990, p. 20-21.

Barbara Robertson, "The Tangled Web of HDTV," in Computer Graphics World, January 1990, p. 52-62.

Mark Schubin, "Politics, Numerology, and HDTV," in Videography, April 1990, p. 27-30.

"Benefits of HDTV Standards for Workstations," UNIX World, April 1990, p. 105-106.

Jack Shandle, "HDTV: Looking Good As a CAD/CAM Standard," in Electronics Magazine, June 1990, p. 70-71.

"Still Holding for HDTV," in Computer Graphics World, June 1990, p. 126.

Profile: Charles Poynton, in Millimeter Magazine, August 1991.

Piera Scuri, "Illuminazione and Color Science (Lighting and Color Science)," in Flare Architectural Lighting Magazine, No 6, April 1992, p. 14-25 [Italian and English].

Technical Publications

"HDTV for Computer Workstations," in Television: Merging Multiple Technologies, Proceedings of the 24th SMPTE Television Conference, January 26-27, 1990, p. 197-203.

"HDTV and the Computer Industry," in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Colloquium on Advanced Television Systems (TVHD/90/HDTV), Ottawa, Canada, June 25-29, 1990, p. 2A.6.1-2A.6.10.

"A Tutorial on Magic Numbers for High Definition Electronic Production," presented at the 132nd SMPTE Technical Conference, October 13-17, 1990, Preprint No. 132-119.

High Definition Television (HDTV) Technology. Charles Poynton, C.R. Caillouet, Charles A. Pantuso, Glenn A. Reitmeier, Laurence J. Thorpe. ACM/SIGGRAPH '91 Course Notes for Course C18, Las Vegas, Nevada, July, 1991.

"A Tutorial on Picture and Sound Compression," in Proceedings of the 26th Annual SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, (February 7-8, 1992), SMPTE, 46-57.

"Overview of TIFF 5.0," in Image Processing and Interchange: Implementation and Systems, Ronald B. Arps, William K. Pratt, Editors, Proc. SPIE 1659, 152-158 (1992).

"Technology for Accurate Color," in Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging for Film and Video (Proceedings of SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, Feb. 5-6, 1993, New York), SMPTE, 186-200.

Concepts of Color, Video and Compression. Charles Poynton, Dave Farber, Adrian Ligtenberg and Martin Lilley. ACM/SIGGRAPH 93 Course Notes for Course MM29, Los Angeles, California, August 1, 1993.

"Gamma and Its Disguises," in SMPTE Journal, Vol. 102, No. 12 (December 1993), 1099-1108.

The Science of Digital Color. Charles Poynton. ACM/SIGGRAPH 94, Course Notes for Course C26, Orlando, Florida, July 26, 1994.

"Wide Gamut Device-Independent Colour Image Interchange," in Conference Papers of the International Broadcasting Convention 1994, IEE Conference Publication No. 397, 218-222.

"A Guided Tour of Color Space," in New Foundations for Video Technology (Proceedings of the SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, Feb. 1995), 167-180. (White Plains, New York: SMPTE, 1995)

Pixels, Pictures, and Perception. Linda Young, Charles Poynton, Mark Schubin, John Watkinson, Thor Olson. Seminar notes from NAB 95 (White Plains, New York: SMPTE, 1995).

"Outlook for home use video terminals," in Proceedings of International Broadcasting Symposium '95, Broadcasting in the Multimedia Age, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 13-15, 1995, 285-290.

"Motion portrayal, eye tracking, and emerging display technology," in Proceedings of the 30th SMPTE Advanced Motion Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA, Feb. 1-3, 1996, 192-202.

Digital Color. Charles Poynton, Michael Bourgoin, Jan De Clippeleer, Thor Olson. ACM/SIGGRAPH 96, Course Notes for Course C28 (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 5, 1996).

Digital Color. Charles Poynton, Michael Bourgoin, Jan De Clippeleer, Maureen Stone. ACM/SIGGRAPH 97, Course Notes for Course C13 (Los Angeles, California, August 4, 1997).

Scanning and Recording of Motion Picture Film. Charles Poynton, George Joblove. ACM/SIGGRAPH 97, Course Notes for Course C27 (Los Angeles, California, August 5, 1997).

Color Image Coding, Color Management Systems. Charles Poynton, Ed Giorgianni, Michael Bourgoin. ACM/SIGGRAPH 98, Course Notes for Course C25/C26 (Orlando, Florida, July 20, 1998).

Digital Video. Charles Poynton, Kevin Stec, Michael Isnardi. ACM/SIGGRAPH 98, Course Notes for Course C43/C44 (Orlando, Florida, July 21, 1998).

Technical Presentations


SMPTE Toronto Chapter, Toronto, Canada

Microprocessor Applications in Film and Video


SMPTE Television Conference, San Francisco, CA

A High Bandwidth Multiport Framestore System


SMPTE Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa, Canada

Current Computer Graphics Techniques used in Television


SMPTE Mini-Conference, Ottawa, Canada

HDTV: High Bandwidth Video or Electronic Cinematography?


Meckler HDTV Conference, Washington, DC

HDTV and the Computer Industry


Society for Information Display, Bay Area Chapter, Palo Alto, CA

HDTV: Two Megapixels in the Living Room?


U.C. Berkeley Computer Science Seminar, Berkeley, CA

Hardware Systems for Multimedia Workstations


University of Michigan CITI, Ann Arbor, MI

Video in the Workstation


IEEE Computer Elements Workshop, Vail, CO

HDTV and the Computer Industry


TVHD/90/HDTV Colloquium, Ottawa, Canada

HDTV and the Computer Industry


ESPRIT'90, Brussels, Belgium

IT and Consumer Electronics: Workstations, Video and High Definition Television


Association for Color Developers, Burlingame, CA

Color Interchange Spaces


Aldus Developer's Association, Seattle, WA

Accurate Color for TIFF


École Nationale Supérieur des Télecommunications, Workshop on Advanced Television Systems, Paris, France

Image Industry: Is there a convergence of technologies? (Invited paper)


Seybold Digital World, Los Angeles, CA

Digital Video: The Technology


SPIE/IS&T, San Jose, CA

Overview of TIFF 5.0


Kodak Developer's Conference, Burlingame, CA

Color Interchange Spaces


Youngblood/IBEC DeskTop PrePress Conference '92, Toronto, Canada

RISC/UNIX Workstations in DeskTop PrePress


MSTV Association, Las Vegas, NV

Guest Speaker, MSTV Engineering Breakfast


IEEE Computer Elements Workshop, Vail, CO

Color Technology


SVnet, San Jose, CA

High Definition Television: Ten Years Later, Still No Standards


SunExpo'92, Manchester, UK

Paper, Color Management Technology for Workstations


SMPTE Winter Television Conference, New York, NY

Paper: Accurate Color Technology


University of California at Santa Cruz, CA

Research Colloquium, Giving Numbers to Colors


Workshop on Progressive and Interlaced Scanning, Chatham, MA

Paper, Current and Future Technologies for Non-Broadcast Media


IEEE CES Tokyo Chapter, International Technical Workshop, MultiMedia Technologies in the HDTV Age, Tokyo, Japan

Invited paper, High Definition Television and Desktop Computing


SMPTE Sacramento Chapter

Gamma and its Disguises


SMPTE Fall Conference, Los Angeles, CA

Paper, Gamma and Its Disguises

Paper, Accurate Color Technology

Paper, Video Compression for Workstations


Society for Information Display, Bay Area Chapter, San Jose, CA

Designing Information Displays for Human Perception


SPIE/IS&T Imaging Science

Color Coding for Image Compression


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, CA

Paper, A Guided Tour through Colour Space


International Broadcasting Symposium '95, Broadcasting in the Multimedia Age, Tokyo, Japan

Invited paper, Outlook for home use video terminals


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA

Paper, Motion portrayal, eye tracking, and emerging display technology


MSTV, Las Vegas, NV

Guest Speaker, MSTV Engineering Breakfast


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, New York, NY

Paper, Digital HDTV: Why bits are not just bits

Courses, Seminars, Workshops


Graphics Interface '84, Ottawa, Canada

Tutorial, Digital Video Processing (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


NCGA Insider's Briefing on HDTV, Washington, DC

Presentation, HDTV Technology (Presenter)


EIA/TIA Workshop on Digital Advanced Television, Washington, DC

Presentation, HDTV Technology (Presenter)


DARPA HRV Workshop, Dallas, TX

Workshop, Video Compression Technology


SIGGRAPH '91, Las Vegas, NV

High Definition Television (HDTV) Technology, Course C18 (Organizer, Presenter)


SIGGRAPH, Bay Area Chapter, Palo Alto, CA

Presentation, Why is Sky Blue R=39, ...


SMPTE Winter Television Conference, San Francisco, CA

Tutorial, Image and Sound Compression (Organizer, Presenter)


SMPTE Winter Television Conference, Chicago, IL

Tutorial, The Meaning of Resolution in Film, Television and Computer Graphics (Presenter)


SIGGRAPH '93/ACM MultiMedia '93, Anaheim, CA

Course MM29, Concepts of Color, Video and Compression (Organizer, Presenter)


SIGGRAPH '93/ACM MultiMedia '93, Anaheim, CA

Course MM45, Formal Standards for Multimedia: Color and Video (Presenter)


SMPTE Winter Television Conference, Chicago, IL

Tutorial, Video Compression Technology (Organizer, Presenter)


ACM SIGCHI, Bay Area Chapter

Presentation, Digital Color


SMPTE New York Section, New York, NY

Tutorial, Pixels, Pictures and Perception (Presenter)


SMPTE Hollywood Section, Los Angeles, CA

Seminar, Digital Compression for Film and Video: Preserving Image Quality (Organizer, Presenter)


SIGGRAPH '94, Orlando, FL

Course, The Science of Digital Color (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


IBC '94, Amsterdam

Workshop, The Use of General-Purpose Workstations in Video Production (Organizer, Presenter)


SMPTE Toronto Section

Local chapter meeting, Computing and Communications Technology for Video Distribution (Organizer, Presenter)


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, CA

All-day seminar, Computing and Communications Technology for Video Distribution (Organizer, Presenter)

1995-02-10, 11

SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, CA

Conference Co-chair


National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, NV

Tutorial, Pixels, Pictures and Perception (Presenter)


SMPTE Hollywood Section, Los Angeles, CA

Seminar, Understanding the use of Color in Film, Video, and Computers (Organizer, Presenter)


SMPTE Technical Conference, New Orleans, LA

All-day seminar, Internet Workshop (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


IBC '95, Amsterdam

Workshop, ATM: Your Next Digital Router? (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA

All-day seminar, A Technical Introduction To Digital Video (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


UCLA Extension, Short Course Program, Los Angeles, CA

3-day course, Digital Video Technology (Organizer/Presenter)


Sony Broadcast, Professional Courses, Toronto, Canada

All-day course, Introduction To Digital Video (Organizer/Solo Presenter)

1996-05-29, 30

SMPTE Montréal section, Montréal, Québec

Seminar, Digital Pictures from conception to delivery (Presenter)


Sony Broadcast, Professional Courses, Toronto, Canada

All-day course, Introduction To Digital Video (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


IBC '96, Amsterdam

Session chair, Virtual reality


BayCHI (Bay Area local chapter of ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interface), Palo Alto, CA

All-day seminar, Color and Type in Information Design (Organizer/Presenter)


SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, New York, NY

All-day seminar, A Technical Introduction To Digital Video (Organizer/Solo Presenter)


ACM CHI 97, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interface, Atlanta, GA

All-day seminar, Color and Type in Information Design (Organizer/Presenter)

1997-04-02, 03, 04

UCLA Extension, Short Course Program, Los Angeles, CA

3-day course, Digital Video Technology (Organizer/Presenter)


SIGGRAPH 97, Los Angeles, CA

All-day course, Digital Color (Organizer, Presenter)


SIGGRAPH 97, Los Angeles, CA

All-day course, Scanning and recording of motion picture film (Organizer, Presenter)


IBC '97, Amsterdam

Session chair, New systems concepts and implementation


BKSTS, London, England

Full-day course, Digital Video Technology (Organizer/Presenter)

1997-12-03, 04, 05

UCLA Extension, Short Course Program, Los Angeles, CA

3-day course, Digital Video Technology (Organizer/Presenter)


SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, FL

Half-day course, Color Image Coding (Organizer, Solo Presenter)


SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, FL

Half-day course, Color management: Technology & implementation (Organizer)


SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, FL

Half-day course, Digital video: Algorithms & interfaces (Organizer, Presenter)


SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, FL

Half-day course, Digital video: Motion JPEG, DVC, MPEG-2, and DVD (Organizer, Presenter)

[40 w] [80 w] [160 w] [2 page bio] [2 page résumé] [Publications and presentations]

Charles - bio